by Er Prabhat Kishore A bench of Allahabad High Court has passed an order on 1stSeptember 2021, in which it has said that the cow is an integral part of Indian culture and the Central Government should bring a bill in the Parliament to declare the cow as the national animal of India. Earlier on 31st May 2017, Rajasthan High Court has also recommended the Centre to declare the cow as national animal. Strict law should be enforced against those who harm the cow. The right to life is above the right to kill and the right to eat beef can never be considered a fundamental right. The judgement narrates that according to Rigveda, ‘Panchgavya’ prepared using cow’s milk, curd, ghee, urine, and dung helps in treating several incurable diseases and building immunity. As per Ayurveda, “Gavyam Pavitram Cha Rasayanam Cha, Pathyam Cha Hridyam Balbuddhim. Aayuh Pradam Raktvikarhari, Tridosh Hridrogvishapaham Syat” (i.e. Panchgvya is a pure chemical. It is beneficial as diet and for heart. I...